How can we let AI generate original content for us?

The hottest topic right now is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Since ChatGPT came out, AI writing tools have become great helpers for content creators and SEO experts. They can quickly generate articles and improve work efficiency. But there’s a problem — search engines don’t like AI-generated content. So, while using AI, it’s very important to make sure the articles are original and natural, avoiding detection as AI-generated. This article will explore how to use AI effectively without getting caught.

This article is divided into the following sections:

  1. How to use AI effectively to generate articles
  2. What strategies can avoid AI writing detection?
  3. What roles do human editors play in AI writing?

How to use AI effectively to generate articles:


When using AI tools, input detailed instructions and keywords to generate articles that better match your needs. The more detailed your instructions, the more fitting the article will be, and this can also help avoid repetitive or generic results.

The instructions can include the following:

  • Role setup: Tell the AI to act as a professional writing assistant that understands complex writing requirements and can create text in a human-like style.
  • Style guidance: Ask the AI to write in a specific style, like “Please write this article in the style of a news reporter, using objective and concise language.”
  • Structure: Tell the AI what structure you need, like “Introduction Background Analysis Case Study Conclusion.”
  • Keyword emphasis: Ask the AI to use keywords naturally but without overloading, for example, “Please naturally include the concept ‘AI writing detection avoidance’ in the article.”

For example, our instructions could be like this:

Combine with human editing:

Why do we need human editors?  

Human editors play a key role in content creation and publishing. AI-generated content often misses the mark or produces long, repetitive text with little substance. Human editing ensures content quality and clear communication.

Main tasks for human editors include:

  1. Content review: Review the topic, arguments, and content to make sure it meets the standards and audience’s needs.
  2. Language correction: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, ensuring smooth and accurate language.
  3. Style consistency: Ensure the article follows a specific style guide, including language, terms, and formatting.
  4. Logical flow: Review the structure to make sure arguments are clear, the logic is consistent, and transitions between paragraphs are smooth.
  5. Fact-checking: Verify facts, quotes, and data in the article to ensure accuracy.
  6. Copyright compliance: Make sure all materials (images, quotes, data) comply with copyright rules.
  7. Sensitive content check: Review the content for anything inappropriate or offensive, ensuring cultural sensitivity.
  8. Enhancing expression: Improve the article’s expressiveness, making the language more vivid and adjusting the tone for the target audience.
  9. Title and subtitle optimization: Create or revise titles and subtitles to be more attractive and SEO-friendly.
  10. Visuals and illustrations: Work with designers to ensure images, charts, and other visuals match the text and are visually appealing.
  11. SEO optimization: Make sure the content has the right keywords and follows SEO best practices.
  12. Reader feedback: Consider feedback from the target audience and adjust the content to better meet their needs.
  13. Copyright notice: Ensure all necessary copyright notices and attributions are included.
  14. Final proofreading: Do a last proofread before publishing to make sure all changes have been applied and the content is ready.
  15. Incorporating feedback: After the article is published, make necessary adjustments based on reader and peer feedback.

The most important part of the process is to remove AI-generated traces. First, replace commonly used AI terms with your own style. I will write a separate article on what these terms are. Second, check the grammar. Third, proofread the content.

Diverse writing styles:

Why do we need diverse writing styles?

  1. Attract a wider audience: Different readers may prefer different styles. A variety of styles can attract a broader audience.
  2. Avoid monotony: A single writing style can feel dull. Diverse styles can make articles more engaging.
  3. Fit different content and purposes: Different content may need different styles. For example, academic papers need a formal style, while blogs can be casual.
  4. Improve message delivery: The right style can improve how your message is received. Adjusting tone and language can help connect with readers and make the message clearer.
  5. Increase credibility: Using a professional style in certain cases can make content more trustworthy.
  6. Adapt to different platforms: Different platforms may require different styles. For example, social media posts often need to be short and to the point, while long-form articles can be more detailed.
  7. Show author’s personality: A diverse style can help show the author’s unique voice and make the work more original.
  8. Boost SEO: Search engines prefer rich content with diverse styles, which can improve rankings.
  9. Meet market needs: Understanding and meeting the target market’s needs is key. Diverse styles help creators meet those needs better.
  10. Encourage creativity: Trying different styles can inspire new ideas and creativity.
  11. Improve writing skills: Practicing different styles helps authors improve and become more flexible.
  12. Stay on top of content marketing trends: Diverse styles can help brands better engage with audiences and increase loyalty.

The simplest way to add variety is to start with small adjustments, such as:

  1. Change the tone: Formal or casual
  2. Change sentence length: Short or long
  3. Use different vocabulary: Professional or common words
  4. Change sentence structure: Active or passive voice
  5. Use rhetorical devices like metaphors or similes
  6. Add lists and bullet points for clarity
  7. Use quotes or dialogues to add realism
  8. Adjust article formatting with titles, bold, or italics
  9. Tell stories to make the content more engaging

How to avoid AI writing detection:

  1. Avoid overusing templates: Search engines can detect overused templates, so try different content structures.
  2. Increase originality: Add unique viewpoints and analysis to AI-generated articles to increase originality.
  3. Natural language processing: Use AI tools to process language naturally, and make manual adjustments to make it sound more human.

Final thoughts:

AI writing tools have changed content creation in a big way, but we still need to do our part. We are the writers, and AI just helps gather content, whether from search engines or other sources. AI allows people without expertise to quickly learn and produce content in a field. So, while using AI, we must also personalize, edit, and add originality to keep the content natural and appealing. The most important thing is to keep content original and readable. Remember, following the EEAT principle is the key to SEO success.


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